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The Top Destinations for Remote Work

Discover your dream remote work destinations: from Bali Beaches to Tallinn's Tech Hub

by Emma Bousfield • Aug. 16, 2023 • 4 min read

The increase in the popularity of remote work has officially transformed the way we imagine our work environments. Now, as long as you’ve got some solid wifi, you can work from practically anywhere (as long as you’re okay with accommodating the time change). And with this comes the emergence of a new community: digital nomads, a group of individuals that aspire to find unique and exciting locations where they can live and work. So, maybe you’ve just landed your first remote gig, or you’re trying out the whole freelance thing, but whatever the case, we’ve put together a list of the top destinations to check out if you’re about to jump into the world of remote work.


#1 - Bali, Indonesia

Surely you know of someone that’s been to Bali in the past couple of years. This place has absolutely boomed in popularity and has gained a favourable reputation amongst remote workers. But you might be wondering: what’s the deal? Well, for starters, Bali is extremely affordable. You can eat well and explore lots and still save money. It was also one of the first places to really start accommodating remote workers - practically anywhere you go in Bali, especially Ubud, you can find coworking spaces or funky little cafes with wicked-fast wifi for you to work in. And of course, how could we not mention Bali’s natural beauty that reels everyone in? Gorgeous beaches, luscious rice terraces, and consistent waves for those keen to surf. It’s a must-see if you’re a remote worker.

Lisbon Tram

#2 - Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon is seriously one of the coolest cities in the world, and it’s perfect for remote workers for a few reasons. Firstly, it’s got that bustling energy of a big city that people find really attractive, but it’s also surrounded by the ocean if you need an escape to a neighbouring town like Cascais or Costa de Caparica… (or, our personal favourite spot, Ericeira, which is about 45 minutes north). Lisbon is also rich in history and has the most amazing architecture. Paved mostly with cobblestone streets, you can’t help but feel like you’re in a fairytale when you’re wandering around. But probably the most popular reason for Lisbon’s explosion in the remote working world is because it’s got a very young, expat community. This makes Lisbon very diverse, with a cool art scene and nightlife, as well as incredible cafes, if you wound up coworking in Lisbon you’d be one lucky individual.


#3 - Medellín, Colombia

Feel like you’re gravitating a little more toward South America? Then you’ve got to get to Medellín. This city’s reputation is slowly changing from that of a once-troubled city, to now a thriving metropolis. Remote workers and digital nomads are especially attracted to Medellín because it's got a fairly mild and temperate climate, an affordable cost of living, and in recent years, its public transportation has really modernized making getting around super easy. You can’t really get bored here either, each neighbourhood is one-of-a-kind, the food scene is outrageously good, and there is always something going on in the way of events and nightlife. Medellín is the perfect remote working destination in South America and a place that many people feel comfortable calling home… temporarily.

Visit our destination guide for Medellín here:


#4 - Tallinn, Estonia

You may not have known this, but Estonia is one of the biggest tech hubs in Europe (it's literally the birthplace of Skype). If you’re working in tech and looking for an environment that complements the industry well, then get over to Tallinn. This city boasts its widespread free Wi-Fi, giving “working from anywhere” an entirely new meaning. As far as character and charm, Tallinn doesn’t fall short. With its medieval Old Town and equally striking modern architecture, the atmosphere in Tallinn is unlike anywhere else in the world. Of course, what draws most people in is the city’s size. It’s relatively small and compact, with the city centre being only a few kilometres wide, this gives Tallinn a unique “small town in a big city” vibe while being extremely easy to navigate.

Remote work is no longer a far-fetched concept, it's the new norm and it's pushing boundaries, enabling us to work anywhere from beautiful Bali to historic Tallinn. However, embracing the remote working lifestyle goes beyond just the picturesque locations - it's about the journey and, crucially, the community you align with.

This is where coliving comes into the picture, a trend vastly reshaping the way remote work vacations or workations are undertaken. Piqued your curiosity?

Check out our comprehensive article right here, explaining all you need to know about coliving. It's not just about sharing a living space, but more about residing with people who share your interests, values and work lifestyles, and propelling your productivity in a nurturing environment.

When it comes time to find the perfect coliving space, check out colive values! We're your premier place to finding remote work communities around the globe that resonate with your values and amplify your working experience with a harmonious balance of work and fun.

So, what are you waiting for? Embrace the exciting world of coliving with colive values, and supercharge your next workation adventure!

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